There is this beautiful 21 year old girl named Brittany that I used to work with. She is fighting for her life and needs a WORLD of prayers. She has a rare form of cancer. She was always such a joy and has the biggest smile ever! I can't help but wonder why things like this happen to such amazing people. Her family has put together a web site if you would like to see photos of her. It's She loved Europe and only a few weeks ago had a gallon of fluid pulled off her chest, then in a wheel chair boarded a plane to Paris with her sister. She always wanted to see Paris. (There are photos on her website) It's that will to live that is keeping her going. When the doctor told her she didn't have long to live she told him that she is NOT a gallon of milk with an expiration date. Spunky. Smart. Talented. Driven. I hope she makes it.
My friend from grade school called me last night and her mother had a stoke. She is in ICU and Theresa asked me to pray for her. I'm just extending that request because I believe so strongly in the power of prayer. God may not always grant our wishes or do what we feel is best but I know He will be there to take each person through whatever it is they have to endure. Thank you and may God bless all my blogger friends!
Cancer is SO unfair! I will be praying for this special young woman.