Monday, August 9, 2010

Blue Water in Missouri

We went camping and scuba diving here for our 18th anniversary.  It was beautiful but as newbies at scuba diving we didn't enjoy it so much.  Visibility was not what we expected and the pit was very, very deep with no gradual incline into the water except at the swimming hole.  So we both thought it was a little scary and we were not 100% comfortable so we didn't end up doing much diving. 

A fish bit my husband on the ear, drawing blood too!  ha ha.  He is fine.  Just a story to tell now.  It is cold water once you get down to about 15-20 feet.  You will have to google Oronogo to find out more if your interested in the history of this strip pit and the scuba it now offers.  I hear that October is a much better month to go for diving and the visibility is much better then too, less algea.  I did manage to get a cool fish picture- see above. 

A little piece of paradise in Missouri. 

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