Sunday, May 17, 2009

Old Dogs Party TOO!!

We had a surprise 70th Birthday Party for my step-Dad, Jerry. It went over beautifully EXCEPT for the bad thunder storms that kept my older sister Deb & her family from being able to come. They made it part way here and had to turn around from the blinding rain. :(

Valentine was the first to don the hat! I think she looks amazing considering she was 16 in January!!! Oh man, I truly love this little dog! I have been really, really blessed to have her for so long. Speaking of being blessed, I have such a wonderful family and I'm really lucky that we have all been so healthy and alive. I would post a picture of my mom and Jerry but my mom might suddenly die if she knew so I better not!~ That is one woman that thinks she always looks terrible in photos and I think she is so beautiful.
I took each person at the party and had them put on a birthday hat and pose with the birthday boy. I think they turned out very cute! Here is me, my hubby and my sister Shannon in some of the pictures.....

Silliness I know but what fun! I also played around with one of Jerry's pictures.
He is a famous 70 now!


  1. I love celebrating birthdays!! Too often we forget to have parties once we're adults! We should always celebrate the gift of life. Looks like a fun time was had by all, including Valentine. Let her know she looked darling in the hat! :)

  2. awww kisses to Valentine xxx
    (one for pop too!)


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