I went back to the library today and checked out some more inspiring books. I have 30 days before they are all due back so I'll have to pick a day and get started (or take some really good notes). I checked out Irina Miech's Metal Clay for beaders. It is awesome with great pictures and directions that explain everything so well. I'm personally not a beader- I've tried it & never really enjoyed it. But she has some great metal clay projects in this book. I still need to buy a few supplies before I can make some of them. A ring mandrel for one. I do not have a kiln either but may never decide to get one. I think I'd like to purchase some ZC also to embellish some charms. So many ideas.... We had a very beautiful day today for January Missouri weather! It felt like 80 although I know that it was not. My little dog kept wanting to run in & out. She peaks in the little window beside our door and I think it's adorable so I took a pic. I just love her! So darn cute!
The movie rocked. It was funny, sad & a bit true to reality. I loved the song at the end too-